In the spring of 2016, Emmanuel Macron, then minister of François Hollande, launched his movement En Marche !. The choice of this name is heavy with meaning. It’s an injunction: you have to move to get out of it. A few weeks before the election of Emmanuel Macron as President of the Republic, the photographer Vincent Jarousseau settled in Denain, a small town of 20,000 inhabitants in the north of France, to follow the daily life of families from working-class backgrounds for whom mobility is not always a solution. For two years, he gave a voice to people most often invisible in media representations, and tried to show the fractures that threaten our democratic model. He gives us a documentary in the form of a photo-novel, where everything is true. Every word has been recorded and transcribed to the nearest comma.
– The roots of anger on the french and german publisher’s website.